Shut up & Squat


I’m Shalom. I like puppies, my husband (most days), and I very rarely turn down a present. I’m quite confident within my abilities logically, however not when it comes to fitness. I’ve always struggled with my weight. Between seeing my mother struggle with her weight, and constantly being teased for being the “fat kid” as a child, it has been pretty difficult to consistently maintain my weight. From balancing the transition from cheerleading, to hanging up my pom-poms for good. From binging on everything I could find in the pantry, to going days where I refused to eat anything at all. It has been a war that I have waged within my mind for years. Not until I saw my momma consistently working out and starting from the bottom did I decide I was going to SHUT UP & SQUAT.

I really admire how another human being’s courage can become a catalyst for progress and ultimately life changing experiences. She inspires me each day to challenge myself, and although we haven’t started at the same place physically, we are both becoming better mentally.

We have put a stop to our doubt, fears, & inhibitions. We still have bad days, don’t get me wrong, but we no longer feel sorry for ourselves.

Personally, no longer holding onto my negative opinions about myself, has made me more of a vulnerable person; being vulnerable doesn’t always mean you are weak either. It has given me more room to form friendships, to become a better wife, and to love myself even more.

Shut up & Squat means more than to be quiet and workout. It means to shut those negative thoughts up and to work on yourself more and more every damn day. You can do it, I can do it, we gotta werk it errday!

~ Shalom #twerkteamcaptian

Discouragement, Destruction, and Determination


I struggle pretty much daily with being discouraged …especially this time of year. I usually spend most of January trying to hold onto my health and this year’s challenge has been to not do more than my body can handle. It would make sense to “regular” people to not overdo exercise if it makes you ill, but I’m not normal. I struggle with not allowing my limits to define me, and I refuse to be a victim to my body not working like it should. Wisdom would dictate that I rest when I’m tired and gently work my way up to a full hour work-out when I’m well…but the struggle comes when wisdom meets my determination and then all hell breaks loose and I’m out of the game for 2 weeks.

So today I’m determined to not be destructive, remain positive and remember that progress isn’t measured by numbers or even the number of times I go to the gym but by not giving up….ever. ~ Naomi